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  • Stress Cow-0

    Stress Cow

    Cow shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane. Branding is available on the black spot on the back of the cow.

    Stress Cruise Ship-0

    Stress Cruise Ship

    Cruise ship shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.

    Stress Cube-0

    Stress Cube

    Cube shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.

    Stress Dart-0

    Stress Dart

    Aerodynamic dart-shaped stress reliever made from soft polyurethane. When squeezing it just isn't enough to alleviate stress it can be thrown.

    Stress Dog-0

    Stress Dog

    Dog shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.

    Stress Dollar-0

    Stress Dollar

    Dollar shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.

    Stress Globe-0

    Stress Globe

    Globe shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.

    Stress Hammer-0

    Stress Hammer

    Hammer shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.

    Stress Hard Hat-0

    Stress Hard Hat

    Hard hat shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.

    Stress Heart-0

    Stress Heart

    Heart shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.

    Stress House-0

    Stress House

    House-shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.

    Stress Light Bulb-0

    Stress Light Bulb

    Light bulb shaped squeezable stress reliever made from soft polyurethane.